群和總監—林樹橋 先生
Manager- Mr. Lin
1974年林樹橋先生進入中華電視公司擔任棚內攝影師乙職,1980年轉任 ENG 攝影師,成為最初少數電視單機攝影師之一。1983年林先生創立〝群視傳播公司〞, 初期是以提供硬體服務為公司之主要業務。1986年之後,公司開始提供節目企畫製作服務 ,林先生開始擔任製作人及導演職務 ,並且有更傑出的表現。
早期,林樹橋先生因導演《中國戲劇》, 獲頒中華電視公司之〝華視導播特別獎〞 ,進而踏進了紀錄片的世界。 另外製作了長達十三年的青少年戲劇節目《我的這一班》, 在公共電視台成立時, 在該台連續播放八年, 也創下台灣電視史上許多第一,獲獎連連。
2001年因業務型態的改變, 公司更名為〝群和國際文化事業有限公司〞, 近年來更製作多部精彩戲劇節目及紀錄片, 領導〝群和〞成為台灣頗具規模且專業之電視節目企劃製作公司。
Lin began his career as a cameraman at Chinese Television Station in 1974. By the year of 1980, Lin has become one of the few remarkable television camera operators in television. In the year of 1983,
Lin started Chun-Shih cooperation and ma-inly provides art ware services. Three years after Chun-Shih is established, the company began to take parts in project management for television stations.Simultaneously, Lin in-augurated his director and producer career.
Lin has won the special award for his film “Chinese Drama" from CTS; the award has brought Lin into the documentary world. Lin’s teen drama, “My Class," gained its popularity and aired for entire 13 years. Win-ning numerous awards, “My Class" is on air once again for another 8 years on PTS,
making a ground-breaking record in TV hist-ory. Starting from 2001, Chun-Shih cooper-ation became Chiu-Ho International Esc En-terprises, continues to provide the best TV shows for audience.